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Terminal Evaluation for the “Strengthening Land Degradation Neutrality data and decision making through free and open access platforms’’ Program

Global 2022

Cynosure was commissioned to undertake the Terminal Evaluation to provide a comprehensive and systematic account of the performance of the project by assessing its design, implementation, and achievement of objects. The Terminal Evaluation was conducted through a consultative and participatory approach and employed mixed methodologies, combining qualitative and quantitative data from both primary and secondary data sources, in the form of literature review of relevant documents, collection of primary data through key informant interviews and in-depth interviews with various stakeholders including Project Teams, partner organizations, donors, and public sector stakeholders.

Mid Term Review of the Project "Mitigating Marine Plastic Debris in Viet Nam"

Viet Nam 2022

Cynosure was commissioned to undertake the Terminal Evaluation to provide a comprehensive and systematic account of the performance of the project by assessing its design, implementation, and achievement of objects. The Terminal Evaluation was conducted through a consultative and participatory approach and employed mixed methodologies, combining qualitative and quantitative data from both primary and secondary data sources, in the form of literature review of relevant documents, collection of primary data through key informant interviews and in-depth interviews with various stakeholders including Project Teams, partner organizations, donors, and public sector stakeholders.

Evaluation of Lessons Learned in Relation to The Regional Implementation Team for The Guinean Forests of West Africa Biodiversity Hotspot

West Africa 2022

The CEPF commissioned Cynosure International to conduct an independent evaluation of the lessons learned in relation to the Regional Implementation Team for the Guinean Forests of West Africa hotspot. The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the performance of the RIT in relation to the geography of the hotspot, the capacity of civil society there, the budget allocated to the RIT, and its achievement of individual deliverables as defined in its grant agreement with the CEPF. The Evaluation Team adopted a consultative and participatory approach and employed mixed methodologies, combining qualitative and quantitative data from both primary and secondary data sources, through a literature review of relevant project documents, key informant interviews and in-depth interviews with the implementing agency, executing agency, and grantees.

Terminal Evaluation For The “Effectively Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into Government Policy and Private Sector Practice: Piloting Sustainability Models to Take the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) to Scale” Program

Brazil, Kenya, Cambodia 2022

Cynosure was commissioned to undertake the Terminal Evaluation to provide a comprehensive and systematic account of the performance of the project by assessing its design, implementation, and achievement of objects. The Terminal Evaluation was conducted through a consultative and participatory approach and employed mixed methodologies, combining qualitative and quantitative data from both primary and secondary data sources, in the form of literature review of relevant documents, collection of primary data through key informant interviews, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions, and field visits to selected project sites in Brazil, Cambodia, and Kenya.

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Final Project Evaluation of the Marine Plastics & Coastal Communities (MARPLASTICCs) Project

Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Thailand, Viet Nam 2022


The Marine Plastics and Coastal Communities initiative (MARPLASTICCs) was implemented across Africa and Asia in five countries including: Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Thailand, and Viet Nam with the objective of equipping governments, industry and society with knowledge, capacity, and plan of actions to control marine plastic pollution. Cynosure conducted the final evaluation with the objective of reviewing the work, achievements, and the role played by IUCN with the aim of assessing the results of the project intervention and its sustainability.

Evaluation of the UEF/RBF Programme

Sierra Leone, Madagascar, Benin 2021


The purpose of the evaluation of the first Wave of the UEF programme was to evaluate the first year of operation of the UEF in order to generate learnings and create an internal and external facing learning document. This was a retrospective assessment looking back from the establishment of the facility in October 2020 to present day to understand what’s worked well, what’s been more challenging, and outlining opportunities for improvement based on learnings generated throughout the evaluation. The evaluation scope included the Pre-Launch phase of the UEF; the launch and implementation of UEF’s Wave 1 in the Sierra Leone and Madagascar and Benin; the two different stages of the UEF application process- the Pre-Qualification stage and the Site-Specific stage; and the contracting phase, including grant agreement signing process with successful applicants. The evaluation included a mix of primary and secondary data collection including desk review and interviews with key stakeholders in Benin, Madagascar, and Sierra Leone

Midterm Evaluation (MTE) for the “The Meloy Fund: A Fund for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in Southeast Asia

Indonesia, Philippines 2021


The Meloy Fund project is a full-sized GEF-funded project. In accordance with GEF policies and procedures, all full-sized GEF-funded projects are required to undergo an independent midterm evaluation. The purpose of the mid-term evaluation was to provide the project management team with feedback on the project’s performance to date and to identify early risks to project sustainability, effectiveness, efficiency, and progress towards results, including gender mainstreaming.

Midterm Evaluation (MTE) for the “Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity in the Northwestern Landscape (Boney region)

Madagascar 2021


Based on GEF policies, all GEF funded projects are required to undergo and complete an Evaluation. Accordingly, the purpose of the MTR was to provide a comprehensive and systematic account of performance of the project by assessing its design, implementation, and achievement of objectives. Moreover, the MTR assessed the implementation, execution, and processes, along with the design, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, management, sustainability, environmental and social safeguards, and M&E system components of the project as per GEF Evaluation Criteria.

“Securing the long-term conservation of Timor-Leste’s biodiversity and ecosystem services through the establishment of a functioning National Protected Area System and the improvement of natural resource management in priority catchment corridors (“TLSNAP”)

Timor Leste 2021


Cynosure was commissioned to undertake a Mid-term Evaluation of the project with the overall objective of providing the project management team with feedback on the project’s performance to date and identify risks to project sustainability, effectiveness, efficiency, progress towards results, as well as project safeguards. The MTE was undertaken by adopting a consultative and participatory approach and employing mixed methodologies by combining qualitative and quantitative data from both primary and secondary sources.

Mid-term Review of ‘Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation through Water Resource Management in Leather Industrial Zone Development’

Pakistan 2020


Cynosure Consultants was responsible for conducting a Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the referenced project. The overarching purpose of the MTR was to provide the respective project management teams with feedback on project performance to date and to identify early risk to project sustainability, effectiveness, efficiency and progress towards results including gender mainstreaming. The MTR was conducted through a consultative and participatory process and involved field visits to project sites in Sialkot. In addition, the MTR was conducted through a desk review of documents, key informant interviews with project management and implementation team, and along with in-depth discussions with project stakeholders such as community beneficiaries, government officials, and business owners.

Mid Term Review of UNIDO Project : Transforming The Leather Processing Industries Towards Low Emissions And Climate Resilient Development Paths In Pakistan

Pakistan 2020


Cynosure Consultants was responsible for conducting a Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the referenced project. The overarching purpose of the MTR was to provide the respective project management teams with feedback on project performance to date and to identify early risk to project sustainability, effectiveness, efficiency and progress towards results including gender mainstreaming. The MTR was conducted through a consultative and participatory process and involved field visits to project sites in Karachi. In addition, the MTR was conducted through a desk review of documents, key informant interviews with project management and implementation team, and along with in-depth discussions with project stakeholders such as community beneficiaries, government officials, and business owners.

Terminal Evaluation of Promoting Biomass Power Plants in Rural Thailand for Sustainable Renewable Energy

Thailand 2019

This project was funded by GEF in order to demonstrate effective models of small scale biomass units in rural Thailand with the objective to reduce GHG emissions while absorbing the bio waste generated by the agriculture and forestry sectors. The assignment aimed to establish demonstration units with the participation of community and private sector, build the technical capacity of local experts, and influence local policy to promote biomass utilization. Ms. Umm e was contracted to lead the Terminal Evaluation of the project.  

Terminal Evaluation of Enhancing Climate Resilience of the Vulnerable Communities and Ecosystems

Somalia 2019

Funded by GEF, and guided by the priorities interventions of the National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA) priority interventions, this project aimed to support the enhancement of resilience and improved adaptive capacity of vulnerable Somali communities in pilot areas, and the ecosystems on which they depend, to the adverse impacts of climate change.

As an international consultant, Ms. Umm e was contracted to lead the Terminal Evaluation of the project.  

Terminal Outcome Evaluation of the Environment Sustainability Portfolio

Eritrea 2017

Environmental Sustainability has been one of the five strategic areas of cooperation under the UNDP Country Program Action Plan (CPAP) 2013-2016 in Eritrea. Projects under the Outcome have been funded by the GEF and the Adaptation Fund and have a focus on Sustainable Land Management, Biodiversity Conservation, Community Resilience to Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Resilience, and Protected Areas Management. Moreover, a GEF Small Grants Program is also a part of the portfolio. Ms. Umm e Zia led the terminal Evaluation of the project. Results of the Terminal Outcome Evaluation have been integrated into the new CPAP (2017-2022).

Terminal Evaluation of Market Transformation of Energy Efficient Bricks and Rural Buildings

Peoples Republic of China 2017

MTEBRB is a GEF-UNDP funded regional program funded by the GEF and UNDP and implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), Government of China. The goal of the project is reduction is the reduction of GHG emissions from rural brick making and rural buildings in China’s rural residential and commercial. The project focuses on both supply and demand side barriers andkey drivers of market transformation, including Awareness, Policy, Finance, and Demonstration of New Technology. Ms. Umm e Zia led the Terminal Evaluation of the Project. 

Access to Clean Energy Investment Project in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Pakistan 2016

The proposed investment project of USD 150 Million aims to increase access to energy in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) and Punjab in Pakistan by taking advantage of the clean energy resources in these provinces. It aims to  install micro-hydro-power plan (community or commercial-based) in rural off-gird area of KPK,  establish mini-grid power, implement off-grid decentralized solar or other renewable energy solutions in KPK and Punjab, pilot energy efficient initiatives in Punjab, and develop a conductive legal and regulatory framework that regulates off-grid electrification and encourages private sector investment in KPK and Punjab.

As an individual consultant, Ms. Munazza Zia was contracted to undertake  the socio-economic and gender impacts of micro hydro and solar projects in the target areas, while developing a Gender Action Plan, Poverty Reduction and Social Strategy (SPRSS), and drafting Gender indicators (with baseline and target) for the project Design and Monitoring Framework (DMF) as part of the main report.

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Environmental Scoping Study of South Asia WASH Result-Based Program (SAWRP)

Pakistan 2016

Department for International Development (DFID) commissioned a consortium led by Plan UK and including WaterAid, WSUP, Unilever, IPSOS MORI and WEDC as partners to implement the four year (1 April 2014 to 31 March 2018) South Asia WASH Results Programme (SAWRP) in Pakistan and Bangladesh to promote and enable the sustained use of hygienic household toilets and the practice of hand-washing with soap. The programme also made water supply improvements in a limited number of communities that experience acute water supply problems.

Cynosure was contracted to undertake the environmental scoping study of the WASH results-based program in three districts of KP and Sindh.

Terminal Evaluation of Promoting Energy Efficient Room Air Conditioners (PEERAC) 

Peoples Republic of China 2016

PEERAC is a GEF-UNDP funded regional program funded by the GEF and UNDP and implemented by the Government of China. The goal of the project is reduction is the reduction of GHG emissions from room air conditioning in China’s residential and commercial sectors with the PEERAC is a GEF-UNDP funded regional program funded by the GEF and UNDP and implemented by the Government of China. The goal of the project is reduction is the reduction of GHG emissions from room air conditioning in China’s residential and commercial sectors with the objective to improve the energy efficiency of locally manufactured room air conditioners in China. The project focuses on improving the local capacity in production of energy efficient compressors and air conditioners, and enhancing demand through consumer engagement and awareness. Ms. Umm e Zia led the Terminal Evaluation of the project. 

Assessment of Development Results (Crisis Prevention and Recovery Unit) 

Pakistan 2016

As an individual consultant, Ms. Umm e Zia was contracted as a mission member to conduct the ADR. Some of the in-depth projects reviewed include: RAHA, Return and Rehabilitation to FATA, Community Rehabilitation Malakand, and Area Development Program Balochistan. The program focuses on building the institutional capacity of the DRM institutions at the federal, provincial, district, and community levels; facilitating the recovery of disaster and crisis affected populations including Refugees and IDPs, and preventive extremism amongst Youth. The results of the ADR will inform the development of the CCPAP of 2018-2022.

Terminal Evaluation of Barrier Removal to Energy Efficient Standards and Labeling (BRESL) 

Peoples Republic of China, 2014

BRESL is a GEF-UNDP funded regional program led by the Government of China and implemented by the governments of six countries in Asia, including Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand, and Vietnam. The goal of the project is reduction in the annual growth rate of GHG emissions from thermal power generation in selected Asian countries. The objective of the project is the removal of barriers to the development and implementation of energy efficiency standards and labeling (ES&L) programs, thereby facilitating the transformation of the regional product markets of targeted products.  The project also facilitated harmonization of test procedures, standards and labels among developing countries throughout Asia. Ms Umm e Zia led the terminal evaluation of the project. 

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