Horticulture and Food Processing
Pakistan 2009
Assisted CARE in the development of a market linkages project. The project was designed to be implemented through civil society partners and enhanced market access of women engaged in small scale production and food processing. The project was designed to seek funding from EC, DFID, and CIDA.
Agricultural Market Linkages
Pakistan/Thailand 2009
Conducted Participatory System Analysis of farming communities involved in production and marketing of horticulture products and services. The study was designed to assess factors impacting farmers’ decision to participate in quality-led apple marketing chains.
Project Development Agriculture
Pakistan 2008
Assisted CNFA in the preparatory phase of proposal development for a USAID project worth $100 million. Project focus included enterprise development in horticulture, livestock, and dairy development. Advised on the establishment of an advisory council of leading citizens and entrepreneurs in agriculture.
Agri-Enterprise Development
Pakistan 2007
conducted value chain analysis of dairy products; development of dairy enterprises through community mobilization; installation of village level milk cooling tanks; establishment of market linkages; and development of business plans. Set up nine dairy enterprises across two districts, benefiting up to 450 farming households.
Agricultural Market Access Development
Pakistan 2007
Designed one-year activity plans for development of value chains through community-based enterprise development of onion seed, Medicinal and Aromatic plants, off season vegetables, and walnuts. Activities include assessment of existing production potential, formation of producer groups, training of farmers in postharvest and marketing techniques, linkage development with market agents, and providing assistance to local traders using public and private resources. The project was funded by EC.
Agri-Commodity Competitiveness Study
Pakistan 2007
Under the EC funded Community Based Livelihoods Recovery Project (CBLRP), conducted an agricultural marketing and access study in earthquake affected areas of AJK and NWFP to guide FAO’s work in strengthening agricultural markets by employing a market-based approach. Conducted value chain analysis of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, walnuts, vegetable seed, off-season vegetables, and honey. Recommendations were made based on the principle of inter-Agency partnership between UNDP, UNIDO, ILO, and FAO. The recommendations were highly lauded by the EC mid-term evaluation mission and extra funding was allotted to the project component for the implementation of these recommendations.
Regional Strategy for Smallholder Market Access
Pakistan 2007
Ms. Umm e Zia was contracted as a national consultant to develop a Lessons Learned Study (LLS) on Smallholder Market Access for respective countries across Asia. The study included a value chain analysis of milk and review of experiences in dairy development. The LLS has served as a foundation to develop the regional strategy for Asia.