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Environmental Scoping Study of South Asia WASH Result-Based Program (SAWRP)

Pakistan 2016

Department for International Development (DFID) commissioned a consortium led by Plan UK and including WaterAid, WSUP, Unilever, IPSOS MORI and WEDC as partners to implement the four year (1 April 2014 to 31 March 2018) South Asia WASH Results Programme (SAWRP) in Pakistan and Bangladesh to promote and enable the sustained use of hygienic household toilets and the practice of hand-washing with soap. The programme also made water supply improvements in a limited number of communities that experience acute water supply problems.

Cynosure was contracted to undertake the environmental scoping study of the WASH results-based program in three districts of KP and Sindh.

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Response Evaluation  Of Oxfam Joint Response to Pakistan flood 2012 

Pakistan 2012

Cynosure Consultants (Pvt.)Ltd. conducted a review of progress to date to determine the impact of programme elements and capture emerging lessons for the OI joint response programme of OGB and Novib in response to flood 2012 emergency.

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House No. 218, Broadway Street, Greens Avenue,
Park Road, Islamabad
Pakistan, 44000
+92 51 831 9116
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628 Rue Saint-Jacques, Apt 2509,
Montreal, Quebec H3C 0Z1
+1 514 432 9293

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Compass Building, Al Shohada Road,
Al Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ,
Ras al Khaimah, UAE
+97 158 559 8155
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