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Accompanying Measure for Promoting Sustainable Urban Development through Resilient Resource Management with a Participatory Approach in Mansehra

Pakistan 2023

Funded by German govt. and implemented by AHT GROUP AG (Lead Firm) and Consortium partners National Engineering Services Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. (NESPAK) and Cynosure Consultants (Pvt), Ltd.) this project concerns an Accompanying Measure (AM) directed towards the promotion of sustainable urban development through resilient resource management with a participatory approach in the Mansehra District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. The overall objective of the project is to ensure the integration of the sectors of water supply, wastewater, and solid waste management through the pilot of infrastructure schemes to be implemented following a systematic process. The role of Cynosure is to provide administrative support and provide local experts to the lead firm.

Managing the Cities in Asia: Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA)

Pakistan 2016

The Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) is a regional initiative established in 2007 by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of Germany, with additional funding support from the Governments of Austria, Sweden, Switzerland and the Shanghai Municipal Government. The initiative provides assistance to medium-sized Asian cities to close the gap that exists between their development plans and the requirements of infrastructure financiers for well-formulated projects. CDIA intended to conduct a Tracer Study on the Islamabad Bus Rapid Transit  Project (currently known as Rawalpindi Islamabad Metro Bus Project), a priority infrastructure project of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) of Islamabad City whose pre-feasibility study (PFS) was supported by CDIA back in 2012. As an individual consultant, Ms. Munazza Zia was contracted to undertake the tracer Study of the Islamabad BRT Project to determine the extent to which the PFS recommendations have been implemented by CDA of Islamabad,  determine the progress/status of project implementation, document effects/changes brought about by the CDIA intervention and understand if and how the CDIA intervention contributed to these observed effects/changes; and draw lessons learned and formulate recommendations on how to prepare and implement similar projects in the future based on the findings of the study.

Study on Slums in Peshawar Khyber PakhtunKhawa 

Pakistan 2013

The Government of KP plans to tap this vital economic spin in urban areas by promoting a process of sustainable urbanization in the province. For this purpose it has established an Urban Policy Unit (UPU) that is mandated to carry out strategic planning for promoting sustainable urbanization in the Province. In order to improve living conditions in slums, it was deemed important to carry out the analysis of the existing conditions of the slums. The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa together with UN-Habitat outsourced the services of Cynosure Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd. to undertake the “Study on Slums in Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.”Cynosure conducted an objective study of the slums in urban Peshawar that involved  identification of slums,  assessment of the current living conditions in the identified slums, and  assessment of the current socio-economic status of slum inhabitants. To form the basis for proposed joint intervention by UN-Habitat and Urban Policy Unit (Planning & Development Department), a detailed survey was undertaken with 1,500 households in addition to key informant interviews with government and other stakeholders.

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House No. 218, Broadway Street, Greens Avenue,
Park Road, Islamabad
Pakistan, 44000
+92 51 831 9116
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628 Rue Saint-Jacques, Apt 2509,
Montreal, Quebec H3C 0Z1
+1 514 432 9293

© 2023 by Cynosure International 

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Al Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ,
Ras al Khaimah, UAE
+97 158 559 8155
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