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South and West Asia Australia Awards: Women in Policing Short Course award 

Pakistan 2016

The DFAT in collaboration with the University of Queensland provided a two weeks training to 23 Pakistani women police officers in Women in Policing: Leadership and Gender Based Violence short course award. The purpose of  this short course award was to enhance the capacity of female police officers to assume positions of leadership, and to respond to cases of gender based violence (GBV). The two weeks short course (16 January to 27 January 2017) was an opportunity for the Pakistan Police Services (PPS) to advance women’s participation in management and to develop their capacity to deal with cases of GBV. The proposed SCA is an appropriate intervention designed to assist female officers to build their capacity to assume increased responsibility for leadership within the PPS.

As an in-country partner Cynosure Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd. provided facilitation and coordination services for the training held in Islamabad. In addition to managing the entire program, facilitation was provided to the local and international consultants in design and delivery of the training.

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Baseline Study on the Status of Compliance of Federal Agencies Responsible For Child Protection with the UNCRC 

Pakistan 2010

Cynosure Consultants(Pvt.) coordinated the assessment of Federal Agencies compliance with UNCRC. The assessment covers all articles of the Convention.

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Donor Mapping Study 

Pakistan 2008

The objective of the assignment was to identify potential donors among the multi-later, bi-lateral, government, corporate, and private institutional donors to support Oxfam’s strategic plan. Oxfam G.B. Major institutional donors included EC, CIDA, JICA, UN, and DFID. Pakistan’s strategic priorities are Land Rights and Enhancing Economic Opportunities, Ending Violence Against Women, Girl Education, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Climate Change.

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Proposal Development 

Pakistan 2008

BearingPoint is an international management and technology consultancy firm, based in USA. Assisted the Emerging Markets groups of the firm in the development of a multi-million dollar international proposal dealing with Agriculture, Regional and Rural Development, and Gender and Enterprise Development.

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House No. 218, Broadway Street, Greens Avenue,
Park Road, Islamabad
Pakistan, 44000
+92 51 831 9116
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628 Rue Saint-Jacques, Apt 2509,
Montreal, Quebec H3C 0Z1
+1 514 432 9293

© 2023 by Cynosure International 

Compass Building, Al Shohada Road,
Al Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ,
Ras al Khaimah, UAE
+97 158 559 8155
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