Training Needs Assessment for Pakistan Polio Eradictaion Initiative
Pakistan 2018
The overall objective of the assignment is to identify key capacity gaps and make recommendations on improving existing capacity building efforts to accomplish the strategies and major activities described in National Emergency Action Plan (NEAP) 2018/19 for polio eradication in Pakistan. Cynosure Consultants(Pvt.)Ltd. conducted a detailed Training Needs Assessment of Polio staff across Pakistan. Geographically, the TNA was conducted in Punjab, KP, Sindh, Tribal districts of KP, and Quetta Block in Balochistan where community-based vaccination program is active.
Promoting Multi-Sector Approaches to Nutrition
Pakistan 2017
Funded by the Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), a four-week study tour for 23 Pakistani professionals from the health and nutrition sector was organized under the Australia Short Course Award program. Australia Awards Short Courses offer the next generation of global leaders an opportunity to undertake short-term study, research and professional development opportunities in support of key development and foreign affairs priorities. The Short Course Award ‘Promoting Nutrition as a Multi-Sector Priority in Pakistan’ was delivered by Griffith University’s International Business Development Unit. The international study tour focused on the multi causes of malnutrition in Pakistan including the lack of organized marketing facilities, inadequate sanitation and poor coverage of health infrastructure. Along with the site visits a range of educational workshops ran throughout the month-long program giving participants the opportunity to effectively develop ‘Return To Work’ plans which could be implemented in the health sector of Pakistan in the future. As an in-country partner of Griffith University, Cynosure Consultants(Pvt.)Ltd. provided assistance in the delivery component of the Short Course Award on Nutrition in Australia and Pakistan: The consultancy services included provision of consultancy services in preparation for the online pre-course. Mentoring services for the 25 participants to continue work on their Return-to-work plans, facilitation of post course program in Pakistan for a 3 day workshop and field visits. Organizing Interpretation and Translation Services in Pakistan.